Monday, October 26, 2009

Review: Loda Dimes - 10 Cent Instant Rebate

Self-produced albums are the hidden gems of the music industry. That's why I absolutely love independent music so much, because oftentimes, without the availability or desire to use higher end production tools (I'm looking at you, auto-tune), bands actually have to be talented in order to make a name for themselves.

Alas, as seen in Loda Dimes 10 Cent Instant Rebate, there is a fine line between the little quirks that come from self-producing an album and flawed, even rushed, production that unintentionally takes a listener's attention away from the music itself.

The album starts out less-than-promising, in “I Got Some Drinkin' to Do,” a song that takes it's inspiration, it seems, from classic country, with a slight classic rock edge...

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