Monday, September 28, 2009

Review: Secrets of the Moon - Priveligivm

Upon glancing at the album artwork Priveligivm, the new release by German black-metal band Secrets of the Moon, the only pre-conceived judgment I decided to make was that, without a doubt, the music contained would be dark in nature. But that goes without saying, both given the genre, and the fact that Secrets of the Moon, despite the fact no original members remain in the band, have always deeply rooted their music in occultism.

Priveligivm begins with the short intro title-track (that I will admit I will avoid trying to spell as much as possible throughout this review). The track I found to be surprisingly similar in nature, although longer and more intricate, to the intro to “Raining Blood” by Slayer. It leads seamlessly into “Sulphur”, a track noted by its, long, but intense, instrumental buildup into the verses.
For this type of music, the mixing and production tend to be very hit or miss. It has to be perfect, with just enough effect to enhance the music, but not to mask the original sound that the band intended to create.   Priveligivm boasts exceptional production, as seen in all tracks, my favorite example being “I Maldoror...” 

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