Saturday, November 7, 2009

Review: Phil Ranelin & Tribe Renaissance - Reminiscence

Esteemed jazz trombonist Phil Ranelin has been hard at work for the past few years. Although no official recordings of his own work have been released since 2004, he has compiled a range of recordings from live performances with his band Tribe Renaissance, that took place between 2002 and 2005. These recordings take the shape of the appropriately titled album Reminiscence.

Tribe Renaissance, not to be confused with the Tribe, Ranelin's avante-garde jazz group from the early to mid 1970's, is, in essence, the Tribe of the 2000s, as they are both similar in instrumentation and composition. They are known for their influences from traditional African music, some direct aspects making their way into these more modern pieces.

Beginning with a somewhat disorganized intro of “A Tear in Elmina”, it leads into a much more traditional sounding piece. The song features a natural sounding call-and-response section between the saxophone and and trombone...

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