Friday, November 6, 2009

Review: Shannon Corey - Overdue

Typical pop music, these days, is all about effects, preprocessed beats, and lyrics that, admittedly, don't have the most thought put into them. At the same time, an advent of sorts is taking place with a sudden popularity of female singer/songwriters, what with artists like Feist, Corinne Bailey Rae, Yael Naïm, and arguably the most universally recognizable, Regina Spektor.   

Following suit is emerging artist, Shannon Corey, who has been featured by several magazines and even on MTV's The Real World: Cancun. And with her release of Overdue, the EP to follow up Unsaid, it's not difficult to see where all the hype comes from.

A five-song EP, it includes two versions of the title track (full length, and radio edit). It opens with the full length version, which remains both musically interesting and catchy...

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