Thursday, January 7, 2010

Review: St. Madness - Saintanic

Upon first glance at the members in St. Madness, to assume they're a Norwegian black metal act wouldn't be that far off. Adorning what looks like the typical corpse paint of said genre, this band has branded themselves “carnimetal.” Kind of gimmicky, it would seem, but after listening to Saintanic, the band's most recent release, I've come to the conclusion, they know what they're doing.
To be honest, I was expecting a campy kind of “fun but only the first time” release. Opening with the audio of, what sounds like an old war movie in “The Art of Terror,” leading straight into a distinct chugging riff, my assumptions were immediately swept aside...

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FYI: Obviously the date in the original article is a typo, that was meant to say 2010. Still adjusting :P